Are you creating opportunities for your operation?
When selling a product or service, a web property represents a powerful opportunity to excite, engage and educate an interested person in your offering.
Web sites are tools and as Stephen Covey says in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective...
We (owners, bosses, managers) are always attempting to peer around the next bend when making business projections. Are we looking at another dip? Are things going to take off? How does that affect my budget and cash flow?
The fact is: The only thing we can...
A great recipe somehow always becomes greater than the sum of its parts. We mix together some flour, butter, sugar and water and you have a crust. Mix berries, sugar, juice and some corn starch and you have the filling. Throw it all in the...
Did you reset your clocks this weekend to end this cycle of Daylight Saving Time?
Me, too.
The time change is always something that sneaks up on me whether it is to Fall Back or Spring Forward. If time didn't simply march on, we'd ignore the whole...
The entire point of marketing your business is to educate potential and existing customers of your business offerings and how you are different from all the other choices these potential clients have available.
A unique selling proposition. Differentiation. Whatever school you follow, our marketing must both highlight our expertise and...
There was an old saw in sales, along the lines of Zig Ziglar or Tom Hopkins, that it takes seven - ten touches to convert a prospect.
In these days of non-stop communication, I would argue it may take up to twice that number....