You're the curious type!
Swift Media is an Orange County Website Developer, Internet Marketing Expert since 2000.
Orange County, Website, Design, Development, Marketing
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Digging and turning the earth. Adding nutrients and planting seeds. Spring provides the opportunity to tap into a process that predates recorded time: growing food so that it can be harvested. Is our work at sales and marketing, particularly websites, any different?
While preparing for a meeting I recently revisited this interesting piece of research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
A Key finding: 29% of cell owners describe their cell phone as "something they can't imagine living without."
In a related study Cell Internet Use, 17% of cell phone owners do most of their online browsing on their phone, rather than a computer or other device. Most do so for convenience, but for some their phone is their only option for online access.
Websites are facing the next revolution in their evolution: Mobile. We have come to terms with the fact that businesses have to have a website to represent their image and interests. However, with 50% of our country walking around with a smartphone in their pocket or purse, it is necessary to be able to deliver that website to a portable device. The device could be a tablet or a phone but the reality is, these varying screen sizes require a flexible approach to your website design. This is where responsive design comes on stage. At Swift Media, we like to call it Fat Thumb Design.

Swift Media takes operational efficiency seriously for our company and our customers by improving the processes by which we deliver our product and by creating novel ways of using website technologies for business. As bees constantly work to gather pollen to the betterment of the hive,...

New! Fresh! Exciting! We all love experiencing something new. One of the most enticing parts of running a technology business is the opportunity to develop and work with new technologies constantly. Swift Media has a new addition to our technology bundle: The Mobile Website. When developing a new...

Mobile may not replace the wheel, but its functionality changes the way we work and play. We are entering a truly exciting time in the development and maturation of the 'online world'. The fact is, the online world is expanding beyond the personal computer into mobile....