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Search Engines
Swift Media is an Orange County Website Developer, Internet Marketing Expert since 2000.
Orange County, Website, Design, Development, Marketing
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Search Engines Tag

A great recipe somehow always becomes greater than the sum of its parts. We mix together some flour, butter, sugar and water and you have a crust. Mix berries, sugar, juice and some corn starch and you have the filling. Throw it all in the...

In the days when "Hang out your shingle" came into common usage, the phrase applied to a business putting a sign , or a 'shingle', outside the business to advertise the availability of a product or service. Today, that shingle hanging outside your door is your website. A solid, interesting, useful presentation of your business isn't a 'nice to have' it is a 'must have'.

Does your new website designer have a plan for what will happen to the old web pages you have sweated over all these years? Most importantly, have they considered what will happen when those pages are no longer there for your customers who have bookmarked these...

One consistent question I receive from clients and prospective clients is: How can our website show up on search engines? The first part of the answer is we want to rank well, not just show up. The second part of the answer is with some...

Competition is at the heart of all of our businesses. There are others out there trying to prevent you from getting that new client, sell your next product or closing that deal. They are your competitors. Us and them. You or me. Search is an endeavor...

Seventh grade reports, and much of life, are about more than the task at hand but the process. Sure, you learned that Capuchan Monkeys smash millipedes and rub them on their backs to avoid mosquitoes but you also learned the Dewey Decimal System. We began...